About Bill Helming

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Bill became the first Chief Economist for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) in 1965. He also was the founder and first general manager of "CattleFax" in 1968 (the highly respected national database, market outlook, analysis and research organization of NCBA). In 1974, Bill began an agribusiness consulting service that is still going strong today. Bill Helming Consulting Services is located in Olathe, Kansas and focuses on the U.S. and global macroeconomic and Ag sector outlook, including the outlook for cattle, hog, chicken, grain and crude oil prices, interest rates, inflation versus deflation, the U.S. dollar, employment, etc. Bill has been self-employed since 1974 and writes a quarterly and highly valued macro-economic and Ag sector outlook report called AS I SEE IT. He has clients and subscribers all over the U.S.

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